Kettlebell Training
What is a Kettlebell?
A kettlebell is a resistance training tool that looks like a
cannonball with a suitcase handle. KBell training originated
in Russia and is "back to basics" training that is
effective, challenging, exhilarating and fun!
What benefits will I see from KBell training?
KBell training has similar fat burning and endurance benefits as traditional forms of cardio (light jogging, aerobics, spinning classes).
KBells help to simultaneously develop strength, co-ordination, muscular endurance and cardiovascular stamina.
This form of training is very functional and works the body as a unit. There are carry over benefits to many other sports and activities such as hockey, football, martial arts, running, etc.
Excellent results: KBells help shed fat and create a lean, sexy body!
Many studies have indicated that as many as 97% of women experience significantly improved self-esteem from engaging in resistance training.
Work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Your workout can be completed in 30 minutes or less-Very time efficient.
Develop body awareness and motor ability which helps to improve posture. With KBell training, movement patterns are trained to reduce the risk of falls and fractures and to keep the joints healthy. Resistance training helps to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
Try Kettlebell Training. Sarah is a Certified Kettlebell Specialist Level II. Call (905)483-1024 to get started with this amazing tool!
Who can train with KBells?
Almost anyone can learn and benefit from KBell training!